We have been collecting pre-loved uniform donations within South Kintyre over the past few months and are delighted to announce we are ready to start taking orders!!
How to Donate:
Donations of school sweatshirts, standard polo shirts, trousers, leggings & skirts can be donated at any of the participating schools and at our Textile/clothing banks at:
Bengullion Road, Campbeltown, Carradale Primary School, Carradale or Glenbarr Primary School, Glenbarr.
How to Order:
Follow the link to the online form https://forms.office.com/r/nrO2Keivsg or scan our QR Code below:
How to Collect:
Orders can be collected from the participating schools or from Kintyre Recycling Ltd, Workshop 2, Hazelburn Business Park Campbeltown, PA28 6HA
What is the Pre-loved Uniform Project?
Run in partnership with Kintyre Recyling, Launder-aide & Argyll and Bute Council. We have established an online uniform re-use shop. Providing an easy-to-use, efficient service for obtaining pre-loved items.
Anyone can use the pre-loved uniform project & help us to support sustainability, reuse & help families in need. The Pre-loved uniforms are laundered and provided free of charge.
The Participating Schools & ELC:
Campbeltown Nursery, Carradale Primary & ELC, Castlehill Primary, Dalintober Primary & ELC, Drumlemble Primary & ELC & Glenbarr Primary.